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Are heat pumps the answer to rising costs and the climate crisis?

Heat pumps can be an efficient way for you to heat your homes. With the cost-of-living crisis making people across the country more concerned about their energy bills, heat pumps…

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Protection: Why you should always be covered amid a cost-of-living crisis

Protection insurance is severely undervalued by thousands of people across the UK. Often seen as an unnecessary expense – there are a vast number of people living in this country…

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Should you be in on the remortgage boom?

Recent analysis shows that remortgages have risen by more than a quarter between the months of March and April. This is largely down to the multiple base rate rises announced…

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How essential is Income Protection?

It’s relatively common knowledge now that the cost of living will be going up in April of this year and there is plenty of apprehension surrounding the subject. Now with…

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Zero-carbon homes: a look to the future

Hope Rises in Bristol is offering revolutionary social housing solutions for young people at risk of homelessness by building net-zero carbon homes. These homes were on display at the COP26…

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What will ‘levelling up’ mean for you?

At the beginning of February, the government released their ‘levelling up’ white paper – a document that sets out a “complete system change” of how government operates that will be…

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Base rate rise: How will you be affected?

The Bank of England recently announced an increase to its base rate from 0.1% to 0.25%. This will inevitably have an affect on everyone in the country. With further increases…

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First time buyers: what are the options?

2021 has seen some welcome good news in the first-time buyer market, with mortgage affordability for people buying their first home improving by 20% since the turn of the year…

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What are the chances?

You don’t need protection, do you? You’re still young, you’ve never had any drastic health concerns and you don’t even smoke – why would you bother putting money aside each…

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